Crypto exchange, payouts and remittance for your business, powered by digital assets

Open business bank accounts, cryptocurrency wallets and fiat balances
Fast onboarding, efficient KYC, due diligence and full compliance
Business wallets in stablecoins, ETH, BTC and other digital assets
Balances in fiat currencies to power exchange and payouts

Exchange crypto to fiat and back
Receive crypto from your counterparties
BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, EURT and many more
Store your crypto assets securely
Convert crypto to fiat
EUR, GBP, USD and more
Convert via OTC (Over-the-counter) trades
From small to large volumes, without any slippage, flexible fees

Create payments with multiple transactions
Streamline bulk transactions utilising digital assets
Create payments and payment templates with multiple transactions
Use .csv template or API to automate payments
Pay your counterparties
Send payments to contractors across crypto and fiat
Send payments via cryptocurrency transfers
Trigger SEPA and cross-border SWIFT
Pay your contractors
Pay via Brighty Business to your employee, contractors and counterparts
Convert crypto assets into fiat payments
Pay employees, contractors and counterparts via Brighty Business